She Has Risen

A phoenix is a mythical bird that symbolizes rebirth, immortality, and renewal. It is said that the phoenix lives for hundreds or thousands of years, and then burns itself to ashes in a fiery pyre. From the ashes, a new phoenix emerges, young and powerful. The phoenix is often depicted with brilliant feathers of red, blue, and gold, and sometimes with a halo or a crown.

The phoenix has been a part of many cultures and legends, such as the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Persians, Chinese, and Native Americans. Each culture has its own version and interpretation of the phoenix, but they all share the common theme of resurrection and transformation. The phoenix is also associated with the sun, fire, and royalty.

The phoenix is a beautiful and inspiring symbol of hope and resilience. It reminds us that we can overcome any challenges and difficulties, and emerge stronger and wiser. It also encourages us to embrace change and growth, and to never give up on our dreams and goals.

(Piece is titled, “She Has Risen”)

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